Quite agree. I appreciate Joe stepping down and aside (after his term is up) and backing Madame Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for President for the sake of the country. Even if we're being ageist and sanist, politics has always been about perceptions. (How else could drumpf even be in the game?) We need someone with the stamina and vigor to keep up with orange juiced-up narcissist.

I'm a western white woman, but I follow Black women like yourself and many more on Twitter for this very reason: you all literally hold up the world. And share and show how it can be better. And warn us about what's coming. Every. Single. Time. Along with the rest of the Global majority that the narcissistic white race regularly shuts down and dismisses and steamrolls. And exploits. And genocides. Because that's what we mostly are: narcissists. Whence the superiority and victim complexes. (Just few of us are willing to admit it. We were born to it and swim in enabling waters with few exceptions.)

But she is also a genocidaire. As thrilled as I am to see Genocide Joe go, I'm not thrilled at all that she is still going to keep bombing Gaza, and is on the side of incarceration. I don't think ACAB, no, but... we have got to stop investing so much in jails which are purely for-profit systems for anyone that we don't happen to like, and literally just a covert form of slavery 2.0.

And start investing in Universal Basic Income or its equivalent. Yesterday. Who cares if there's a couple slackers around - wouldn't you rather they slack off and be cool, than go around criming to make their ends meet? Heck, they might end up creating some cool stuff or beautiful art or music given the chance. Or invent a new technology. Or fight for our ecology.

There is NO reason everyone could not be housed in the US. Tomorrow. And for everyone to have enough food and medicine and medical care. None. Other than pure capitalist corporate greed and lacking political will. (We love to hate the poor and disabled.) Which has pitted all of us have-lesses and have-nots against each other while the rich keep stealing it all from us. We're too busy fighting each other to notice, or fight back. (Preaching to the choir, I know. Just trying to bring my sleepy white sisters with me.)

Gee, why have we never had a General Strike in the US? We're all too busy fighting to keep our jobs for the health care benefits. That's exactly why they tied benefits to jobs, too: it keeps us desperate for those "benefits". Which are less and less with every passing month it seems. Meanwhile even doctors are getting burned up and out and un-aliving themselves because they are also drowning in a mountain of paperwork, debt and "medicine by proxy" whenever an insurer denies a pre-authorization. (What's even the point of seeing your doctor if insurance is just going to step in and choose your medication or treatment? Biggest run-around and waste of time and energy ever.)

But I digress. I'm excited to see a Black woman running for President. I am all in to help her win. But, I'm holding my nose because she is also a genocidaire who doesn't care. But, she is not a fascist dictator wannabe. And I'm fighting for (what's left of) our democracy. Or trying.

I think she can win. And again, I'm all in. (Yes, I like to rhyme some of the time. It's kinda... sublime? And better than crime ;) ) But... I'm keenly aware that things are going to get super rocky for everyone, but especially for Black women as misogynoir arises with a full-throated roar in response.

I have a funny feeling she may win, but it won't go over well at all. And some people may make January 6th look like child's play in response. So I'm praying for all my Black friends, especially in the south, especially disabled. (One Black disabled friend is fighting for her life in Texas as we type. She's a total badass, but even she is not invincible and... quite tired.)

But I am also committed to fighting for something better, before and after this election, for everyone. Like, if there was a decent third-party candidate who wasn't in bed with Putin who opposes the genocide and doesn't deny climate change. Any race. Any gender. I can see clearly now that both parties are just flip sides of the same kleptocratic coin. A bad penny that just keeps coming back and supporting American hegemony and colonialization. Over and over and over. While us lowly frogs slowly boil alive in the slowly heating water we keep failing to notice getting hotter. We're waiting for Godot, and he ain't coming folks. We are the ones we've been waiting for to quote some brilliant ancestor. Roll up your sleeves. We got a lot of work ahead. I'm ready, to make this world a better place for everyone. Truly. That's the only way we'll stop fighting each other: if we all reach a hand back and bring someone with us as we rise. All of us. Of all stripes. Everywhere. In a post-capitalist paradigm. Somehow. Some way. Some day.

Peace be with you all, please heed the call, and see you in the fall,

Jan 2.0

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Thank you for sharing this. I hate to see President Biden go. To accomplish what he did in so short a span of time required him to give every fiber of his being to doing that job. No one could have done a better job. This decision to step aside and immediately endorse Kamala means that he gets to not only pass the torch, but the prospect of finishing the agenda they set together. May God bless him and may history remember him for his greatness.

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